We've worked in Mozambique since 1998, building healthy communities and strengthening inclusive education systems. We're currently active in Manica, Safala and Maputo provinces.
We reached 13,601 people with emergency food aid after Cyclone Idai.
Over the next five years (2020-2025), we will enhance the economic empowerment of 4,200 out-of-school girls.
We've trained 536 community volunteers in social inclusion, social accountability and disaster preparedness.
Inclusive education

We support young women to access education and benefit from economic opportunities.
Working with Light for the World and local partners, our Empowering Adolescent Girls to Earn and Learn (EAGLE) project supports out-of-school girls and young women in Manica and Sofala provinces to enhance their economic empowerment, by improving their access to basic education.
Through accelerated literacy and numeracy classes, girls develop the basic reading and writing skills that they need to benefit from income-generating opportunities. Alongside this, we support young women to gain community backing for their education and economic empowerment.
Over the five-year project, we aim to reach 4,200 girls, 5,600 boys and male relatives, and 69 community teachers.
Healthy communities

We work to engage young men through peer networks and community-based interventions.
Our health programming in Mozambique focuses on improving young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, by challenging harmful gender norms and traditional views of masculinity. In Maputo province, our InterACT project uses interactive radio and listening clubs to engage boys on gender issues, developing their understanding of – and encouraging support for – women’s rights and gender equality.
The ACTIVE programme

In Mozambique, VSO uses youth platforms to equip communities with assessment tools, with youth volunteers leading climate-related loss and damage assessments, and sustainable agriculture.
VSO’s climate champions are also taking leadership roles in international spaces to engage governments in implementing their climate commitments.
The ACTIVE programme, funded by the UK Aid, addresses differential vulnerabilities, in young people, women, small farmers and people with disabilities, increasing resilience to climate shocks and economic stress factors. It seeks to create more inclusive, resilient and gender-equitable societies, reducing poverty and inequality in communities.
It promotes agroecology, notably sustainable food production that takes advantage of nature's resources without depleting them.
Contact us
We work with a number of partners in Mozambique including the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the EU, GAC, SIDA, the International Organisation for Migration, BIG Lottery Fund, and MEDICOR Foundation.
Our delivery partners include the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Education and Human Development, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and National Volunteer Council National Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.
If you are interested in supporting our work, or if you have another query, get in touch:
Address 1: VSO Mozambique, Rua Valentim Siti, n° 75, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 2142 4146 or +258 84 301 3970
Address 2: Suboffice, Chimoio, Rua 20 de Setembro no 769, Chimoio, Mozambique
Tel: +258 251 23203
Email: info.mozambique@vsoint.org
Find out more about our work in:

Inclusive sexual and reproductive health and rights
Supporting the most vulnerable people to realise their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Education system strengthening
Developing inclusive education systems that leave no child behind.