No more missing pay cheques for teachers in Cambodia
Payment system reform by VSO volunteers means teachers can reliably access their hard-earned wages.
Building a brighter future for children with disabilities
Volunteer Jo Doyne is based in western Rwanda, supporting teachers to provide appropriate teaching to children with special needs. She talks to us about her work with Ngwino Nawe, a special needs school.
Condoms, Christ and sex positions: Sarah’s work reducing teen pregnancy in Zambia
Young people in the UK and in Zambia have exactly the same needs. The difference is that in Zambia they face poverty on a whole different scale
Discovering a wealth of opportunity in Tanzania: Sandy's volunteer story
Sandy Hung, 28, left behind a high-powered role to volunteer with disadvantaged businesswomen in Iringa, Tanzania.
Education is for everyone
In Lindi, Tanzania, exam results are among the lowest in the country and many students drop out of school early. English teacher, Rebecca Ngovano, has been working alongside VSO volunteer Paul Jennings to try and change this.
Identifying training needs in Tanzania
"The confidence I have gained from this experience is something that will definitely help me"
Increasing the income of disabled people in Rwanda
"You have a role of inspiring and building confidence."
Labelled a prostitute for going to school
VSO volunteer researcher Pauline Faughan spent three months visiting schools interviewing teachers, pupils and community members on their attitudes to girls education.
Forty years on: A former volunteer’s return to Nigeria
"In these days of questioning the effectiveness of volunteering and international development, it is encouraging to learn that an individual can make a difference."
Volunteer to educational tech pioneer: Andrew Ashe, CEO, onebillion
When Andrew Ashe volunteered as a teacher in Papua New Guinea in the 1980s, he can hardly have imagined that more than 30 years later, he’d be helping launch an innovative education project with VSO.
Success? Have I made a difference?
Education volunteer Ann reflects on her time working in Nepal on a project to promote girls' education.
WhatsApp? Instant messaging lessons lead to 30% reading improvement in Indian schools
Purna Shrestha looks at how text messaging has been used in India to boost reading skills in primary schools at a low cost.