
woman digs a planting hole
Paul Wambugu

Ten reasons why food injustice persists – and what we can do about it

As we mark World Food Day, one statistic should be at the forefront of your mind. Currently one in ten people go to bed hungry each day.

Hands holding seedling
Lisa Marie David

Six ways agroecology is improving food security in hunger hotspots

Pursuing agroecology in hunger hotspot countries is not only a viable strategy for improving food security, but an effective means of promoting water conservation.

sustainable development goals

Eight years on, are we on track to achieve the SDGs?

Eight years ago, world leaders developed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with hopes to secure peace and prosperity for both people and the planet – yet we are nowhere on track to achieving them by the 2030 deadline. This is a problem that we must continue to address...

Community volunteer
Lisa Marie David

Transforming individuals, communities and societies through active citizenship

Volunteers are an incredible resource, who are making a vital contribution to the delivery of the sustainable development goals. They are also stepping up to question, to challenge, to hold decision makers to account for their actions.

Fatima with community women
Lisa Marie David

A quiet revolution: Women rise above traditions in conflict-scarred communities

In a secluded marshland in the southern Philippines, women are emerging from the solitude and loneliness of their homes, reclaiming their place in the community and learning new skills – and it’s all thanks to your support.

A member of the Mpahi beekeeping co-operative checks on his bees.
©VSO/Alice Kayibanda

Beekeeping a sweet alternative to mining in Tanzania

Tanzania is a land rich in minerals, and mining is one of the country’s leading industrial sectors. However, the extractive industries cause many problems. But now there’s an economic alternative to mining through....bees! Read more

Vilma in the classroom

From Kenya to the Philippines, meet the volunteer igniting change across the world

Vilma Esoto is a remarkable national volunteer working hard in the Philippines, where she ensures that out-of-school youth get the relevant mentorship and leadership skills they deserve to achieve a prosperous future.

A successful graduation ceremony with SRHR students.
Rukaiya Siddika

The volunteer empowering women in the world's largest refugee camp

Rukaiya Siddika is a VSO volunteer and ICT in Education Specialist who works on the Education in Emergencies programme in a refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Read her volunteer story.

VSO's National Youth Engagement Network in Nigeria campaigning on youth participation around elections.
NYEN Nigeria

The role of youth in development

For decades, the Global South has been predominantly populated by young people, yet their voices and perspectives have often been overlooked in development discussions and initiatives. VSO recognises the immense potential that young people have to actively participate in development.

Volunteer in classroom

Meet the VSO volunteer unleashing the power of education to combat climate change

ChoCho is currently a national volunteer in Myanmar. Here she reflects on her incredible volunteering journey with VSO so far and explains more about what her role entails.

Screengrab from Brown film

Watch Brown – a film by volunteers Brown Niyonsaba and Justin Spray

Brown is a heart-warming film by VSO community volunteer, Brown Niyonsaba and volunteer filmmaker, Justin Spray that explores the question 'what does it mean to be a Deaf woman in Rwanda?' Watch the film here.

School visit, Ethiopia
VSO/Kamal Jaga

Meet the volunteer providing psychosocial support to those affected by conflict

Kamal Jaga, 40, from the UK, volunteered on the VSO Psychosocial Support Project in Ethiopia, a country ragged by internal conflict that created an estimated 2.2m internally displaced people. Read his story.