Keeping you safe, healthy and happy whilst you're volunteering with us.
Accommodation and allowances
If your placement involves relocating, we provide you with:
- basic accommodation – you should be prepared to live in the same way as your local colleagues,
- an allowance paid in the local currency, which will meet all reasonable living expenses, but is not enough to live an expat lifestyle or send money home,
- at least three weeks’ annual leave.

When you start your placement, you’ll take part in a detailed induction led by your local country office. This covers:
- locally-important issues,
- medical and security procedures,
- language and cultural training,
- meeting other local volunteers,
- the specific objectives of your placement.
Your health and safety
The VSO country office is always there to help with any major personal, medical or security problems. They’ll provide you with emergency contact details, and will be on hand 24/7 in case of emergency.
Each country has an appointed medical adviser, and we’ll also give you details of recommended local doctors, clinics, dentists and pharmacies. If necessary, we’ll provide you with comprehensive medical insurance.
We’re constantly assessing security in each of the countries we work in, to ensure that our staff and volunteers come to no harm.
Our commitment to safeguarding
We are committed to ensuring that everyone’s experience of VSO is free from any form of abuse or exploitation. Anyone who comes into contact with any person associated with VSO should at all times feel safe and respected.
If at any point you have concerns or wish to talk to someone in confidence about a safeguarding issue, please contact your local office’s safeguarding officer or VSO’s lead safeguarding officer on +44 (0)207 1188 141 or safeguarding@vsoint.org.
At the end of your time volunteering
We'll be on hand to help you settle back into daily life, and will invite you to join our global network of former volunteers and supporters - so you can stay involved with VSO, wherever you are in the world.
Find out more

Before you start volunteering
Helping you get ready to volunteer with us.

Once you've finished volunteering
When you finish volunteering with us, you'll find that you're part of a global community of VSO volunteers.
Volunteering opportunities
Our current roles for expert volunteers in Africa and Asia.